Sensory Deprivation Tank in Miami, FL

Sensory Deprivation Tank in Miami, FL

About Our Sensory Deprivation Tanks

Also known as a flotation tank or isolation tank, a sensory deprivation tank is a lightproof and soundproof tank filled with highly concentrated Epsom salt water that is maintained at skin temperature. With external sensory stimuli greatly reduced, deep relaxation for physical and mental health benefits can occur.

Juve Medical Spa invites you to experience the pleasures of a sensory deprivation tank in Miami. 

How Does a Sensory Deprivation Tank Work?

A typical sensory deprivation tank therapy session lasts about 60 minutes, more or less. Prior to getting into the tank, you will be given an orientation on how to open and close the door, plus other vital pieces of information. You must shower using shampoo and body wash before beginning.

You enter the float tank either nude or wearing a bathing suit, whichever is more comfortable, and lie on your back in the water. Inside the tank, with your body free from gravity and most sensory input eliminated, you will likely feel a sense of peace and deep relaxation. Your brain will begin to slow down, and your body will release endorphins, which have a natural pain-killing effect. 

When your time in the tank is over, you will shower once again to remove excess salt from your body. Expect to feel the relaxing effects of the therapy for up to 24 hours afterward. 

Benefits of Sensory Deprivation Tanks

First developed in the 1950s by neuroscientist John C. Lilly, the sensory deprivation tank was used to study human consciousness. It has since become a mainstay of complementary and alternative medicine. Floatation therapy offers a way to release tension, let go of stress, and deal with nagging pain.

Some of the main benefits of sensory deprivation tanks include:

Stress Relief

High stress causes the body to release a hormone called cortisol, which induces the “fight or flight” response. Too much cortisol can be harmful to your health, contributing to weight gain, acne, and high blood pressure. Floatation therapy reduces stress and resets the cortisol levels in the body, bringing you back to a balanced perspective.

Increases Energy & Creativity

Because it reduces brain fog and promotes deep relaxation, time spent in a sensory deprivation tank has been connected to a stronger memory and physical rejuvenation. This improves energy and promotes creativity as the senses are reset. The brain can then tackle projects with more clarity.

Rejuvenates Muscles

Athletes use sensory deprivation tanks for muscle recovery. Because an hour-long session is considered to have the same impact as a full night’s rest, floating allows the muscles to relax for quicker recovery during intense training sessions.

Helps with Pain

Sensory deprivation tanks can help tame tension headaches and treat chronic pain. They have proven to be beneficial in relief from arthritis and joint pain.

Improves Sleep

By eliminating the use of your five senses, floating helps your brain find a meditative state. This allows the body to find deeper rest in a shorter amount of time. It helps with jet lag, insomnia, and sleep deprivation.

Why Choose Us for Your Sensory Deprivation Experience

Juve Medical Spa features a sensory deprivation tank as part of a one-stop spa combination of aesthetic treatments. We also offer Signature Facials, Emslim Therapy, Cryotherapy, an LED Infrared Bed, Professional Teeth Whitening, Compression Boot Recovery, and Kegel Chair Exercises as part of our recovery and anti-aging services. 

To look and feel your best, choose us for sensory deprivation flotation and more.

Book a Session in Our Sensory Deprivation Tank

For a sensory deprivation tank experience near you, contact us. Conveniently located in Wynwood, our doors are open Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

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